Believe it or not, skiing is still viable at the golf course. Doug is done grooming for the season, so the track isn't super but it's still quite remarkable for mid-March. The classic track is pretty much gone, but you can scoot around off the groomed area and explore the golf course that way. The skate track is hard packed with some ruts, but since Doug groomed on Saturday it's not crazy icy. Yet. Most of the track is still skate-able, and if you're out when the crust is hard enough, you may have the option for crust-cruising off the track.
Skiing is definitely an adventure in these conditions. You'll want to skirt around or step over grass, take it easy on ice patches (which will be soggy in the warmer part of the day), and maybe walk over the exposed-cement bridge that leads to the Cow Pasture. The track virtually disappears on the south-facing hills of the Clover Leaf, so just be careful where you go. Watch out if you find yourself breaking through the track so you don't catch a tip (speaking from experience...).
Have fun!