Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31 morning

Randy said last night that he planned to groom early this morning. I haven’t heard a report yet this morning, but I bet by late morning the tracks will be all set and ready for a lovely ski. Happy New Year’s Eve day!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

December 28 morning

 Doug pulled off a miracle! After yesterday’s rain, I wasn’t sure the track would be salvageable. But Doug fixed it up. Here’s his report:

I attempted to make the track ski worthy again and it is mostly quite good for what it went through yesterday.  The skate track is good except for a few puddles and some bare hill tops, just be aware and ready to ski around the obstacles.  

The conventional/classic track is also good for what it went through.  The track was reset on an old track placed a snow storm or earlier, so it is mostly covered with

We have 5-10% exposed grass.  One of the track setters came off with about 1/3 of course yet to set . So 1/3 of course has only 1 classic track. James will get our machine fixed today. Have a great day skiing and be safe.

Friday, December 23, 2022

December 23 Night

Jeff just finished grooming late tonight (Friday). Thank you, Jeff! Here’s his report:

We got some great snow today. I was able to reset the classic tracks and lay down a nice, smooth, skate deck. It'll be soft for a bit, but should set up nicely overnight and be good for Saturday. 

Merry Christmas Eve!

December 23 morning

Doug sent this update this morning:

I spent a few hour last night resetting and I think it will ski well. The snow was hard, but it seemed to break up as it went through the groomer. Skating will be good and the track is leveled out. Later tonight (or after the snow) it will need some touching up. The classic track worked up nicely by breaking it up and then going back a second time to set the track. A little grass showed up over the tops of the hills (less than 5% of the whole track) where the wind had thinned the snow.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 22 Night

Doug is out grooming (and it’s -10F with a -22F windchill!). Yesterday’s wind blew snow all over the track. Although the extreme cold today may make the snow hard to work with, grooming will certainly help clean up the track. Many thanks, Doug!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 20 Temple Track

Great news! Scott H. just let me know that Grooming by the Rexburg Temple started today. It’s awesome to have a track right in town. It is groomed for both classic and skate. Because it is on a hillside, plan to spend about half of it going up and half going down. :) There are some flat areas, too. 

Park in the 4-plex of 7th South. The trail will start on the east side of the parking lot. The best access will be from the south end.

Monday, December 19, 2022

December 19 morning

Doug just sent this report: (Thank you, Doug!)

Just finished tuning up the skate track and put in a new conventional/classic track which may be too soft to hold up. Most of the old track is still in place, so overall the tracks are in great shape. If it warms up a bit, it should be a good day of skiing. Have fun!

Friday, December 16, 2022

December 16 morning

Randy made two passes with the groomer last night, so we have fresh corduroy on the skate track. I assume the classic tracks are holding up nicely.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

December 15 Evening

 Rumor has it that Randy is out doing the grooming right now. Randy and his wife have been in the Philippines the last two winters, so we’re very happy to have them home.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December 13 morning

 Here’s a report from Doug:

What a difference a snow storm makes! All is groomed both skate and classic. I did not see any bare spots - I am sure there are some, but didn’t see any. The base is soft, being new and un-skied.  Get out and enjoy. With your skiing, we will get the track perfected.  Happy skiing!

Monday, December 12, 2022

December 12 Afternoon

Doug is planning to work on the track later this afternoon/evening. With all the new snow still falling, it makes sense to wait (plus he’s been busy all day in meetings). It should be pretty good skiing tomorrow. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

December 9 late evening

Doug spent hours working on the course this afternoon. He was able to find enough snow to set a classic track and he rolled for the skate track. Jeff then spent a couple of hours this evening finishing up the skate track. 

Here’s Jeff’s report:

“Doug spent an absolutely tremendous amount of time this afternoon trying to make things work out at the course. He was able to cobble together a pretty good classic track. Given the circumstances, it's actually amazing. The skate track is 95% good but there is 5% where you'll be walking over bare grass, sticks, and at least potentially some gravel. Let the skier beware: definitely rock skis if you have them. Pray for some more snow.”

December 9

 Doug rolled the track this afternoon and Jeff will head out to finish up after dinner this evening. Hopefully it’ll stick and pack down nicely overnight. The wind isn’t helping.

I don’t know if we have enough snow to set classic tracks yet. I’ll post any updates as soon as I know.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 6 Update

 Doug just sent me this report:

The trail was rolled yesterday and the groomer was used on a one time pass.  It got too late to finish last night.  The track is fair for skating, but there are a few exposed areas - mostly over grass.  There are a few exposed areas over gravel or cart paths that will require caution so you don’t ruin your skis. The snow depth is still inadequate to put in a conventional/classic track.  I will be out as soon as it snows again.  Skiing will help fix the base and the wind is our enemy.

Friday, December 2, 2022

December 2 Again

Sorry to say, but we’re not quite skiable yet. Jeff and Ryan spent lots of time trying to create a skiable track, but there’s just not enough snow. The wind has blown large areas clear. You will likely ruin your skis if you head out right now. We need a few more inches, but we’re close! There’s snow in the forecast, so keep your fingers crossed that we get dumped on (and that the wind doesn’t blow apart the track).

December 2

 Jeff (my husband) just got home and is heading out to roll the track while Doug is out of town. I don’t know if he will set a classic track tonight. Hopefully the base will set up and be ready for real grooming tomorrow. I’ll post any updates I hear.