Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Track Report and Nordic Kids Club Report

The skate track is fantastic (as long as you step around the bare patches and watch out for gravel in a few spots).  It's really holding up well.  Right now it's hard packed and getting a bit icy and a little rutted but it's still great skating for this time of the year in Rexburg.  I heard we might get rain tonight...oh, please no!  But then more snow is supposed to follow.  We'll see what happens.

Still not enough snow to set a classic track, sorry.

We have - so far - 20 kids registered for the 7th -12th Grades Nordic Club, with more kids saying they're coming.  It's so cool to see these kids get out and play in the winter months.  It's a great way to socialize, exercise, and happycize (couldn't think of any other great word).  Our never-ending difficulty is getting equipment, but somehow it all works out one way or another.

Remember to check the Lessons and Rentals tab (or the Nordic Club tab) above for information on contacting Forrest Southam for rentals or for the closest shops to purchase a ski package of your very own (Christmas is coming...).  

Practice is tomorrow and again Monday, then we'll take a break over the Christmas break and resume on Thursday, January 5th, 4:15-5:15.

Note: Redd's Grill (located in the Clubhouse) has hot chocolate and fries for the kids for I think $3 if they want an after-school or after-ski snack.  You can just get hot chocolate for $1.75 if you want.

See ya!

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